When your life is as cool as the lives of the three friends, its selfish not to share your experiences with everyone else. With the exception of Luke and Jason, we are firm believers of practicing what you preach so we started this blog.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Easter Sunday vs. Evil Sunday

You shall not kill/ Neither shall you steal.

Another Easter Sunday and another great flaunting of our children's ongoing refusal to adhere to the ten commandments. But why are our youth so misguided? Why do they steal the unborn offspring of birds to offer up as a sacrifice to this pagan animal "god?"

You shall have no other gods before me./You shall not make for yourself an idol...

We are not simply accomplices in this great crime against God and ourselves, but we are in fact its very cause. We plant the seeds of Godly denial in our youths' misguided minds, but this evil arises from the wickedness present in our own hearts. Why? Is it out of jealousy and envy for our sacred master's love that we stifle their love for him and put upon our children our own wickedness?

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